Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Return

I have been away from Living [Maxine] Greene for a while now. It had been my intention to continue with this inquiry long after the completion of the dissertation. I was teaching a course on aesthetics and surely the discussions and connections that my students and I were making should have provided content for additional inquiry. But my discipline waned and I have been remiss.

This past spring certainly brought cause to revisit this site. Maxine’s death warranted reflection on her impact on me and the worlds of the arts and social justice. But I am flummoxed and can’t recover the language to unleash my gratitude.

But this fall I have found direct occasion to re-up the discussion of things aesthetic. I am teaching a capstone course for students engaging in their honors thesis work. As Living [Maxine] Greene furnished me in my research, my students are starting their own reflexive blogs to ponder the influences of their research interests. It is incumbent on me to join them in their quest by re-establishing my queries of embodiment, situatedness, and the primordial.

Hello again, L[M]G!