Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hello and welcome

I am starting this blog, "Living [Maxine] Greene,"  as part of my dissertation writing process. As made evident form the title, my dissertation focuses on Maxine Greene, the "philosopher queen" of Teachers College. It is my intention to define what Maxine means by the term the "lived life" in her writing and speaking. It's a term that has stuck itself into the far corners of my consciousness since I first studied with her in 1994.

I am using a pseudo arts-based educational research practice for my dissertation work. It is interpretive in nature and a means towards establishing my interpretations validity is through a process of self-reflection. And self-reflection is very appropriate in all things Maxine. The arts piece will be reflected in the use of my narrative "I" in my dissertation writing (also appropriate to Greene) which is not typical of the academy. It is also likely that some of these blog posts will not only inform my interpretation but they may even appear in the final product.

Big props must be extended to Cynthia Vascak of PSU for her coining of "Living Greene." Thanks, Cynthia.

And so here we go, here I go. Thank you, Maxine.

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